Account Receivable


Account receivable features are:

Step to run Account receivable systems are:

Run CREATE NEW SET OF ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE DATA for the first time you install AbiPro.

  1. Create MASTER FILE, this file contain customer code, name, address, contact person etc.

  2. Input of beginning balance in TRANSACTION, we suggest you enter all unpaid invoices, but you may also input only one transaction for sum of all unpaid invoices for each customer to simplify your work (if you choose this alternative, the aging schedule will not work perfectly).

  3. Input of PAYMENT in General ledger journal.

  4. Print all necessary report.

  5. Sometimes, the data may corrupt due to electricity failure, viruses or hardware damage, to solve this problem please run DATA REPAIR in utility menu.

  6. Your computer can record data up to many years, but after a period, the receivable paid must be cleaned from your data, please run END PERIOD PROCESSING to erase all paid receivable.